Monday, 26 December 2011

2011 Model Railway Show /The Overland and other trains beween Mitcham and Keswick

The Overland between Keswick and Lynton.

Old photos The Islington Railway Workshops South Australian Railways.

My late grangfather Mr E.E. Bradey and  mother Mrs E.J.McCallum nee Bradey worked at Islington during the second world war. My grandfather worked in the Railcar Shop. My mother worked in the Typeing pool and as a secretary to Frederick Charles Meibourne the Head  Locomotive Draftsman. She useto tell me she made trains with her typewriter. The Photos in this blog were found with my grandfathers things. Note the fifth photo from the top is of a Medical Centre , you may note the first St John Ambulance Brigade Division in South Australia, was formed at The Islington Railway Workshops.